How to Setup a Humidifier (Both Ultrasonic and Evaporative)

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Rooms sensing damp and smelling musty requires a humidifier. Using a humidifier can refurbish the room to an idyllic relative humidity.

In this article, you will learn how you can set up a humidifier (both ultrasonic & evaporative) with our easy to use step by step humidifier installation guide.

humidifier installation guide

One needs a humidifier:

  • If moist or soggy stains are present on walls or ceilings.
  • If the room feels unventilated.
  • If condensation covers the windows.
  • If stale odors subsist.
  • If mold is seen.
  • If there is surplus moisture.

In terms of cost, maneuver noise and mineral scale deposit comparison, the two main types of humidifiers are:

  1. Ultrasonic Humidifiers
  2. Evaporative Humidifiers

Ultrasonic Humidifier

An ultrasonic humidifier uses high-frequency vibrations to make up an extra layer of water mist that is then expelled to add moisture to the room. It is quieter than the other humidifier. There is in general no filter factored into the design in an ultrasonic humidifier. It saves functioning costs. One can find more greyish dust around the room when operating an ultrasonic humidifier than with an evaporating humidifier because there is usually no filter to sop up the mineral scale deposits. On the other hand, some models come with ceramic-type cartridges that can invigorate, and these are effective to some degree. 

How To Set Up An Ultrasonic Humidifier

With the following simple steps, a person can start using an Ultrasonic Humidifier.

  1. After removing the packaging, one should do away with all the bubble wraps and plastic packets from each part of the humidifier. Components may include parts like long nozzle, mid nozzle, short nozzle, handles, water tank, water tank cover, DMC, water tray, touch key, unit base, power cord and others in the packaging of a humidifier. Keep each and every component one by one on a flat surface. 
  2. After placing the humidifier on an even surface, take out the manual and see if you have all the components.
  3. Generally, the manual shall suggest inserting in or pulling out some nozzle from the humidifier.
  4. Separate the water tank from the body of the humidifier. Unscrew the water tank cover if the humidifier has one. 
  5. One has to fill up the tank or reservoir with clean water. 
  6. Then screw up the water tank and cover it tightly to avoid any kind of leakage.
  7. Align the slots of the water tank as you place it back on to the base. 
  8. One should listen to make sure water is flowing through the tank. 
  9. Detach the water tank and again fix it back in case the noise of the flowing water cannot be heard.
  10. If there is a vertical nozzle, that needs to get inside the water tank, suggestively according to the manual.
  11. Fix the cords and plug in to use the humidifier.

While using a humidifier, one must make sure to keep the humidity level to thirty to fifty percent. This humidity level shall keep the house comfortable. Having the proper humidity level shall also keep the house clear from allergens that shall protect the dwellers from cold, allergies, respiratory tract problems and other health issues. Also, the furniture, floors, and instruments shall save from shrinking, drying or cracking. 

Evaporative Humidifier

These kinds of humidifiers are very ordinary or stereotypical and commonly known as the garden-variety-type humidifier appliance. The evaporative humidifier works basically with the concept of evaporation of moisture to keep the house away from drying or moisten the house. These different humidifiers that work on the evaporation module are very resourceful. There are few non-filter units that simply whip out the water mist or vapor. However, most of them have filters that need regular cleaning and replacing. With the help of a wick filter to grasp and draw water up to the fan, it expels it from the unit as a water mist or spray. Though the word ‘wick’ sounds very nominal but a wick filter in the humidifier is quite large and takes up most of the rooms indoors of a humidifier casing.

How To Set Up An Evaporative Humidifier

There are three main components of an evaporative humidifier. They are the wick, the reservoir or basin and the fan.  We must know the components before setting up the evaporative humidifier. 

The wick is a porous material that absorbs water from the reservoir and provides a larger facade area for it to evaporative from.  The wick filter is positioned in the bottom of the humidifier. The size of the wick filter can diverge. 

The reservoir or basin is very alike to a bowl-like container where the water stores. Before the humidifier begins into progression, fill the reservoir or basin with a proper amount of clean water, to avoid uninterrupted service.  As the basin or reservoir is always in contact with the user, it shall be separated and cleaned. When selecting the proper evaporative humidifier, make sure that the size of the reservoir is fine enough. In the case of small basins or reservoirs of the humidifier, one should clean it and refill it on time after time.

The fan lies along the length with the wick. Powering the fan on is the preceding step of getting started with the evaporative humidifier. The fan blows dry air into the wick filter that stocks the water from the basin or reservoir. This complete process produces a purified mist that is blown into the air. 

More simplifying the above-detailed process to start up with the evaporative humidifier, the flowing steps shall fulfill it:

  1. Open the main box in which the humidifier is chock-a-block.
  2. Unpack the components and keep all the parts on a flat surface together.
  3. Match all the components with the user manual so as to avoid missing any of the components.
  4. Clear the base and set the base probably with the wheels.
  5. Install the wick filter within the humidifier.
  6. Fill in the clean water in the reservoir or basin.
  7. Organize the humidifier together.
  8. Plug in the humidifier and set it to work.

What Is Needed To Be In Concern While Installing A Humidifier

  • After buying the humidifier, give it proper time for a couple of days to get adjusted to the moisture content of the room. It shall generally function great after two or three days.
  • If humidifier is in the laundry area, one should be sure to keep it in a dry place to avoid any kinds of electrical accidents. 
  • The manual may suggest not running a dryer in the same room where the humidifier is in use.
  • Proper filling of water is important. Do check the tank cover properly closed before using it. 
  • Check the plug and see if the Humidifier is switched on before use.
  • Check if there is no circuit break or fused circuit.
  • Make sure of the control panels before usage.
  • Try to place the humidifier in the center of the place of usage.
  • Make sure the doors and windows are shut but the air circulation in the room shall be proper.
  • Do not forget to clean the humidifier, both evaporative and ultrasonic after usage.
  • Replace and return filters as per instructed in the user manual. Thoroughly read the manual before operating the humidifier.

See Also:
How to install a whole-house humidifier to furnace?